Tuesday, June 3, 2014

catching up

I am not a fan of days when I leave the house at 3 PM in full uniform and stagger back in at 2 PM the next day, still in uniform.

I have napped and eaten and am about to attempt to crank out today's words.

Question 1:

Do you want me to post the day's accomplished words here?

I can't promise all of them, as sometimes it's going to be no more than a sentence or two interspersed, but do you want the full scenes.

Question 2:

I have had complaints about Blogger.
Is this platform working for you or should I move to LiveJournal where I can actually post polls and put cuts into my work, so it's not an overwhelming text wall?

Let me know! This blog is for your entertainment. I'm just the writer sitting in the shop window, typing in public.

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